Lecturer - Bazhmin Mikhail (Israel) doctor - psychiatrist.
Head of the department in the psychiatric hospital Shaar Menashe.
Head of the home hospitalization department in Sharan.
A teacher at the Israeli Polytechnic University (Technion) at the medical faculty.
Author of 20 articles in international magazines.
The field of scientific interests is the use of modern technologies to objectify diagnosis in psychiatry.
Mikhail enters the Committee of the Organizers of the annual Congress of the European Psychiatric Association (the second largest congress in the world of psychiatry)
He teaches psychiatry to students and doctors for more than 10 years.
For enrollment in the course, write to Yulia Tkalich. Lectures in Russian, without an interpreter.
1st lecture: "Psychotic disorders"
Introductory part, testing of reality and symptoms of its violations
Syndromes and nosology, classification -
Sodrudniki of patients, forecast for psychotic disorders - schizophrenia, schizo -active disorder, chronic delusional disorder, organic psychoses, etc.
Combined pathology- mental retardation, dementia, addictive pathology
The issues of forensic psychiatry regarding the responsibility of patients and doctors, the case of Tatyana Tarasova.
Treatment and rehabilitation, pharmacological and non -pharmacological methods of treatment, modern and promising methods of diagnosis and therapy
2nd lecture: "Affective pathology"
The criteria of mania, hypomania, depression are symptoms and syndromes.
Small affective pathology- cyclotimia, distility.
Approaches to understanding pathogenesis, issues of brain biochemistry.
Differential diagnosis of "pure" affective pathology and affective symptoms with various psychiatric crafts.
Treatment of affective disorders.
3rd lecture: "Anxious spectrum of disorders and OCD"
Diagnostics and diploma diagnosis.
The boundaries between OCD, psychosis, anxious spectrum.
Approaches to the treatment and the place of the doctor in the complex treatment of this spectrum of disorders.
New methods of treatment, modern neurosurgery.
4th lecture: "Personality disorders"
The idea of personality disorders and their pathogenesis.
Issues of forensic psychiatric examination in personality disorders.
Issues of psychiatric and psychological treatment, pharmacological approach.
Borderline personality disorder - why is this topic the most discussed?
5th lecture: "Addictive pathology (Dressing Dress)"
Chemical and not chemical dependencies.
The evolution of addictive pathology.
Varieties and diphrus. Diagnosis (abuse, dependence, cancellation syndromes, etc.)
Options and conditions of treatment using the example of Israeli experience.
Comorbidity or where is the chicken, and where is the ovo?